Hestiia and 3DEXPERIENCE SolidWorks: Accelerating the energy transition with their innovative heating system


In an era when the urgency of climate change is dictating new standards, the collaboration between Hestiia and XDI with 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS is proving to be a bright spark in the race for energy transition.

At the heart of this initiative, our GO GREEN campaign has been the catalyst for partnerships with green tech players, including Hestiia, which has joined our SOLIDWORKS startup program.

Hestiia: Pioneer in the recovery of waste energy

Hestiia, a major player in the field of residual energy recovery, has embarked on an ambitious project to transform thermal waste into a sustainable energy source.


Successful use of 3DEXPERIENCE SolidWorks

At the heart of this success ? The use of 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS. By joining our SOLIDWORKS startup program, Hestiia was able to exploit the advanced functionalities of 3DEXPERIENCE to bring its innovative concept to life. Parametric modeling, realistic simulation and efficient data management were the pillars on which Hestiia built its project.

Green Tech customer testimonials

As part of our GO GREEN campaign, we have collected customer testimonials to highlight the green initiatives that are transforming our world. Hestiia was a key player in this campaign, sharing its experience of working with XDI and using SOLIDWORKS. Feedback highlighted the positive impact of using the platform, speeding up not only the design process, but also turning their project into a sustainable reality.

Objective: Accelerate the energy transition

By choosing 3DEXPERIENCE SolidWorks, Hestiia is committed to accelerating the energy transition. Their innovative heating is not just a technologically advanced solution, but a bold statement for a more sustainable future. By integrating the principles of the circular economy, Hestiia redefines the way we perceive and use energy, helping to create a greener world.

Chauffage Hestiia 1

Conclusion: towards a sustainable energy future

By integrating the powerful tools of SOLIDWORKS, Hestiia has transformed an ambitious vision into a concrete reality, making a significant contribution to the energy transition.

Together, we are breaking new ground, demonstrating the crucial role of technology in creating a sustainable energy future.

Do you have an innovative project in the field of Greentech ? Don’t hesitate to test your eligibility for the Startups program !

auteur blog XDI

Carla-Lisa Giovannetti
Marketing & Communication Officer

I have the pleasure of managing XDI’s communications on all channels, especially here on the website!

Enjoy your reading!