Our best sources of industry information

Today, I’m going to tell you about the best sources of information on the subject of industry.

Whether you’re a professional, a student or just curious, it’s important to keep abreast of the latest news and trends in this fast-changing sector. But how do you sort through the multitude of websites, magazines, blogs and trade shows on the web? Here is our XDI selection of the most reliable and relevant sources of industry information.

General-interest news sites that often talk about industry

Generalist news sites are a good way to get an overall idea of what’s going on in the industry, without going into technical or sector-specific details. They often cover the major economic, social and environmental issues facing industry, as well as the innovations and success stories of French and international companies. Among the most reliable general information sites, we recommend :

  • Numerama: this site defines itself as the reference media for news on the digital society, but it also covers science and industry with rigor and professionalism. It has been ranked among the 10 most reliable news sites in 2021 by Newsguard.
  • 20 Minutes: A classic, but one that loves the industry :). This site offers quick, concise information on all current topics, including industry. It was ranked as the most trusted news site, generating the most engagement on social networks in 2021 according to Newsguard.

Industry-specific information sites

Specialized information sites are best suited to deepening your knowledge of a specific sector or area of the industry. They often feature analyses, reports, interviews and case studies that provide a better understanding of market issues and opportunities. Among the most interesting specialized information sites, I recommend :

  • L’Usine Nouvelle
    L’Usine Nouvelle is France’s leading industrial information site. It covers all industrial sectors, with a particular focus on aeronautics, automotive, energy, chemicals and digital technology. It also offers a customizable business and technology watch service.

  • Industry & Technology
    This site focuses on the technological innovations that are transforming industry. It highlights the most promising projects, emerging trends and key players in the sector. It also offers thematic dossiers and webinars to deepen your knowledge.

  • Batiactu
    Batiactu: this site is dedicated to news on the building and construction industry (and on topics of particular interest to XDI, such as BIM). It covers topics related to regulations, materials, techniques, trades and the sector’s ecological transition. It also offers practical services such as professional directories and price guides.

Paper or digital magazines are another interesting source of information for keeping abreast of industry news. They often offer a longer, more in-depth format than websites, with feature articles, surveys, portraits or reports. Among the most relevant paper or digital magazines, I suggest :

  • Liaisons Sociales Magazine: this magazine specializes in social dialogue and human resources management in industry. It covers topics such as health in the workplace, vocational training, diversity and corporate social responsibility.
  • Industries & Finances Magazine: dedicated to industrial finance and mergers & acquisitions in the sector. He analyzes the financial strategies of industrial players, private equity market trends and external growth opportunities.
  • L’EnerGeek: this magazine is dedicated to energy and its challenges for industry. It covers all aspects of energy production, transmission, distribution and consumption: economic, environmental, social and political.

Some media specialize in the design office, 3D software or digital transformation, such as the excellent CAD Magazine or the specialized site CAO.fr .

Edit: Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d also like to appear here, or if you’d like to have media you find relevant added.

Industrial blogs and podcasts

Blogs and podcasts are more informal and personal sources of information than websites or magazines. They often feature original viewpoints, authentic testimonials or practical advice on the industry. Among the blogs and podcasts I recommend :

  • L’Oeil Industriel: this blog is run by an engineer with a passion for industry. He shares his thoughts, analyses and favorites on the industrial innovations shaping tomorrow’s world.
  • L’Avis Industriel: this podcast is hosted by an expert consultant in industrial strategy. Each week, he welcomes a guest from the world of industry to discuss the challenges and prospects of the sector.
  • L’Histoire Industrielle: this blog is written by a historian specializing in industrial history. It traces the major stages in the evolution of industry from the Industrial Revolution to the present day.

A little bird tells us that we’re hearing more and more about platforms, and in particular the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform and XDI on this type of media :)

Industrial trade shows

Trade shows are an essential source of information for keeping abreast of the latest developments in the industrial sector. They also enable you to meet market players directly, exchange ideas with them and make useful contacts for your business. Among the trade shows not to be missed:

  • Global Industrie
    Global Industrie: the annual showcase for industrial excellence and prospects in France. It brings together four major events: Midest (industrial subcontracting), Smart Industries (connected industry), Industrie (technologies and equipment) and Tolexpo (metalworking solutions).

  • Sido
    Sido: Europe’s largest showroom dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. It brings together over 500 exhibitors showcasing their innovative solutions for transforming industry.

  • Batimat
    Batimat is the world’s leading building and construction show. More than 1,700 exhibitors showcase their products and services in all areas of the sector: structural work, finishing work, technical equipment and eco-construction.

  • Vivatechnology
    This specialized startup show is a major event for industrial startups.


Industry is an exciting sector that is constantly evolving thanks to technical innovations. At XDI, we try to keep as up to date as possible with the latest developments in our sector, while consulting the feedback and opinions of our SolidWorks and Catia customers. It’s a constant source of self-questioning :)

Enjoy your reading

auteur blog XDI

Carla-Lisa Giovannetti
Marketing & Communication Officer

I have the pleasure of managing XDI’s communications on all channels, especially here on the website!

Enjoy your reading!