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1st time for XDI at Dassault Systèmes’ 3dworld!

A great first for the XDI team to be invited to the biggest event of the year in Nashville, to discuss the strategies for 2023 and reward the performances of the year 2022 within Dassault Systèmes as well as all its partners, including us :)

We’ve had a lot of meetings, led by Victor, to pitch our superb mobility marketing campaign, cowboy parties and lots of socializing. As a bonus, the XDI team is also featured in a DS presentation!

For our 1ʳᵉ participation, the XDI team received no less than 6 awards. We’re very proud of the superb achievements made possible by the whole team!

  • Top user adoption
  • Top design roles reseller
  • Top 3DEXPERIENCE customer acquisition
  • Top 3DEXPERIENCE sales EWEST (Respectively: 1, 3 and 4 th: Well done Victor, Pierre-Marc and Kilian)

To discover or rediscover our super subscribers who have innovated around mobility, click here!

The adventure continues, and promises to be even crazier and full of new challenges on an international scale :)

auteur blog XDI

Carla-Lisa Giovannetti
Marketing & Communication Officer

I have the pleasure of managing XDI’s communications on all channels, especially here on the website!

Enjoy your reading!